Bioinformatics Lab @ Wilmer Institute, Johns Hopkins University

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STAT5A_(HOMOTETRAMER) has 24 co-regulatory transcription factors (TFs)

Summary Table (Download Table)

Co-regulatory TF Tissue -log(P)
NF-KAPPAB tongue 6.35451
E2F-4/DP-1 thymus 6.89229
E2F-1 thymus 7.47872
E2F thymus 6.98045
TEF-1 soft_tissue 7.41296
RB/E2F-1/DP-1 soft_tissue 7.03494
MEF-2 soft_tissue 6.87162
HSF1 soft_tissue 7.23239
E2F-1 soft_tissue 12.1455
E2F soft_tissue 9.43165
MYOD pancreas 9.4
ATF pancreas 6.6748
NRF-1 ovary 6.23242
RSRFC4 heart 8.07144
MEF-2 heart 6.18898
FOXD3 eye 7.3208
STAT1 colon 10.1271
USF blood 8.15185
STATX blood 6.16557
STAT5B_(HOMODIMER) blood 6.55306
STAT5A_(HOMODIMER) blood 6.73544
PU.1 blood 6.47226
POU3F2 blood 10.9779
FOXJ2 blood 8.26728

Distribution of Co-regulatory TFs

Description: this pie chart displays the distribution of co-regulatory transcription factors (TFs) in different tissues.

Color schema: the tissue with the largest percentage of co-regulatory TFs is colored dark red whereas the tissue with the smallest percentage of co-regulatory TFs is colored dark blue. Tissues with intermediate percentages of co-regulatory TFs are colored from light red to yellow and cyan and then to light blue.