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BPAC: A universal model for prediction of transcription factor binding sites based on chromatin accessibility.

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    We provide two approaches to use BPAC. One is to make the prediction online, and the other is to download the program and make the prediction offline. Due to the computer power limit, the online version allows only less than 1000 candidate sites as input. Therefore, we recommend the offline version. Detailed usage instruction please see FAQ.

Online version:

Reference genome:     �

Bam file (URL of sorted alignment file):     �

Is it paired end?    �     

Region of interest:

Name of transcription factor (TF):    �   


  Online prediction result

Offline version:


Generate features and labels → Construct model


Generate features on test data → Predict using trained model → Evaluation of prediction

Installation and usage instruction is at here


Maintained by Dr. Jiang Qian and Dr. Sheng Liu at the Qian's Bioinformatics Lab, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine